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Working With the Media

Communicating with the media is a core component of public relations for any organization. It is important to maintain a positive reputation as an open and credible source.

Familiarize yourself with the topics each outlet or author specializes in so you can match your story with their expertise. The easiest way to do this is to become knowledgeable about their products. Identify journalists who write stories similar to the ones you will be pitching.

When working with the media, be prepared to tell your story and respond to questions. All outreach materials should be concise and persuasive. Journalists can sometimes be reached by phone but are often out of the office. The best way to reach your contact is to send your tailored outreach materials, story idea, or questions via email. Contact information is generally found on the outlet's website and is sometimes attached to articles they have written.

Understand that reporters aren't looking for partners, but they appreciate a good source of information. Work to gain coverage, but don't expect collaboration from media outlets.

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