Exploring Rural and Urban Mortality Differences

Exploring Rural and Urban Mortality Differences examines the impact of rurality on mortality and explores regional differences in mortality rates. This study used a quantitative analysis approach drawing upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. This project builds off of the recently developed 2014 Update of the Rural-Urban Chartbook (Rural Health Reform Policy Research Center, The Rural-Urban Chartbook, October, 2014) which examined health status by level of rurality (five rural-urban statuses), sex, and region (four regions). Exploring Rural and Urban Mortality Differences contains visual aids which display indicators of mortality rates by age group, rural-urban status, region, and sex (for populations 15 years of age and older) cross-referenced to tables and statistical results. Individual data tables are available, as well as online tools which allow you to interact with the data and select variables of interest. Data and visuals are presented for 10 leading causes of death for each age group as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
Excel Workbook Tables: Mortality Rates
among Persons by Cause of Death, Age, Region, and Rural-Urban Status: United States, 2011-2013
Contains 5 tables that describe mortality rates for five different age groups: Infants (under 1 year of age), children (1-14 years of age), adolescents and young adults (15-24 years of age), working-age adults (25-64 years of age), and seniors (65 years of age or older). Data are presented on 10 leading causes of death for each age group as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. -
Rural and Urban Mortality Differences by HHS Region (color) | (black
& white)
A slide deck that serves as an offline and printable version of the Online Tool: Index for Mortality Rates. It contains 81 figures from the Online Tool displaying mortality rate indices by age group, rural-urban status, HHS region, and sex (only for populations 15 years of age and older). Data are presented for the top 10 leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Figures display standardized differences between urban, rural, and national death rates. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. -
Rural and Urban Mortality Differences by HHS Region (color) | (black
& white)
A slide deck that serves as an offline and printable version of the Online Tool: Mortality Rates among Persons. It contains 80 figures from the Online Tool mapping mortality rates by age group, rural-urban status, HHS region, and sex (only for populations 15 years of age and older). Data are presented for the top 10 leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. -
Rural and Urban Mortality Differences in the Appalachian Region (color) | (black
& white)
A slide deck that serves as an offline and printable version of the Online Tool: Index for Mortality Rates in the Appalachian Region. It contains 9 figures from the Online Tool displaying mortality rate indices by age group, rural-urban status, and sex (only for populations 15 years of age and older) within the Appalachian Region. Data are presented for the top 10 national leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Figures display standardized differences between urban, rural, and national death rates. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. -
Rural and Urban Mortality Differences in the Delta Region (color) | (black
& white)
A slide deck that serves as an offline and printable version of the Online Tool: Index for Mortality Rates in the Delta Region. It contains 9 figures from the Online Tool displaying mortality rate indices by age group, rural-urban status, and sex (only for populations 15 years of age and older) within the Delta Region. Data are presented for the top 10 national leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Figures display standardized differences between urban, rural, and national death rates. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER.
User Guides and Technical Notes
Users Guide
for Graph Interaction
Index for Mortality Rates by Cause Related to the National Rate among Persons by Age, Region, and Rural-Urban Status: United States, 2011-2013 Online Tool
This user’s guide demonstrates ways to display graphs of mortality rate indices by Health and Human Services (HHS) region, cause of death, age, and rural-urban status. Graphs can be created dynamically for 10 mortalities or for a single mortality. Figures display standardized differences between urban, rural, and national death rates. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER based on the top 10 leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. -
Users Guide for
Map Interaction
Mortality Rates among Persons by Cause of Death, Age, and Rural-Urban Status: United States, 2011-2013 Online Tool
This user’s guide demonstrates ways to view maps of mortality rates from the Top 10 Causes of Mortality as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. This document guides users to create dynamic maps for a single cause of mortality by Health and Human Services (HHS) region, cause of death, age, and rural-urban status. Results draw upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER. -
Notes: Exploring Rural and Urban Mortality Differences
Review technical notes related to the study’s methods and data analyses. This study examines the impact of rurality on mortality and explores regional differences in mortality rates. The study used a quantitative analysis approach drawing upon the data available from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at CDC WONDER for the top 10 leading causes of death as reported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.