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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.

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Characteristics of U.S. and International Medical Graduates in Primary Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines where U.S. medical graduates and international medical graduates graduated and where they are practicing by rurality and specialty.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 12
Date: November 2013
Type: Fact Sheet
Availability of Primary Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines where doctors are practicing by rurality and their abilities.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 10
Date: August 2013
Type: Fact Sheet
University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences Graduates' Residencies and Current Practice Areas
Examines where University of North Dakota graduates are practicing and where they did their residency.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 9
Date: July 2013
Type: Fact Sheet
Elder Abuse in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
This fact sheet summarizes the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native elders that would utilize elder programs that could assist in preventing elder abuse. In addition, the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native elders that would take advantage of caregiver, financial assistance, legal assistance, personal care, and transportation programs if they were offered by their respective tribes.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Davis, J.
Date: May 2013
Type: Fact Sheet
Adoption of Electronic Health Records in North Dakota
Discusses electronic medical records in North Dakota, meaningful use, adoption of EHRs, and challenges.
Author(s): Dickson, L.
Date: February 2013
Type: Fact Sheet


North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program (DCSP): Caregivers' Attributes and Service Use
Discusses the North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program which works to increase caregiver knowledge about dementia and caregiving, and decrease caregiver stress. Number 2 in a four-part series.
Author(s): Klug, M., & Muus, K.
Date: October 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program (DCSP): Characteristics of Persons with Dementia
Discusses the North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program which works to increase caregiver knowledge about dementia and caregiving, and decrease caregiver stress. Number 3 in a four-part series.
Author(s): Klug, M., & Muus, K.
Date: October 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program (DCSP): Impact on Caregiver Support and Estimated Health/Long-Term Care Cost Savings
Discusses the North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program which works to increase caregiver knowledge about dementia and caregiving, and decrease caregiver stress. Number 4 in a four-part series.
Author(s): Klug, M., & Muus, K.
Date: October 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota Dementia Care Services Program (DCSP): Utilization Increases Over Time
The intent of the DCSP is to increase caregiver knowledge about dementia and caregiving, decrease caregiver stress, and coincide with estimated health and long-term care cost savings.
Author(s): Klug, M., & Muus, K.
Date: October 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Where Did North Dakota Physicians do their Residency and Where Have North Dakota Residency Graduates Gone?
Examines where North Dakota Physicians did their residency and where North Dakota residency graduates are practicing.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 8
Date: June 2012
Type: Fact Sheet