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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Where did North Dakota Physicians Complete their Residency and Where Have North Dakota Residency Graduates Gone?
Examines where North Dakota Physicians did their residency and where North Dakota residency graduates are practicing.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 20
Date: August 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
Where did North Dakota Physicians Graduate from Medical School and Where Have North Dakota Medical School Graduates Gone?
Examines where North Dakota Physicians attended medical school and where North Dakota medical school graduates are practicing.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 19
Date: August 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health Celebrates 30 Years
Longtime statewide gathering of health professionals helps to improve the health of North Dakotans.
Project: Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health
Author(s): Massmann, N.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: July 2015
Type: Article
Making It Work in the West
North Dakota: the land of opportunity. Not just in oil work, but in healthcare as well. The areas of Williston and Watford City have experienced exponential growth to support the needs of an expanding community.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: July 2015
Type: Article
Type of Employment for Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the type of employment for North Dakota's physicians by sex, age and rurality, using data from the 2013 American Medical Association physician master file.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 18
Date: May 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
Demographics of Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the location of where direct patient care physicians practice by age, rurality and number of patients, using data from the 2013 American Medical Association physician master file.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 17
Date: May 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
Availability of Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the availability of direct patient care physicians in North Dakota by rurality, sex, medical school location, residency location, using data from the 2013 American Medical Association physician master file.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 16
Date: April 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
Adjacent Border Analysis for Direct Patient Care Physicians
Examines physicians located in states that border North Dakota that are treating North Dakota patients.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Peterson, M., Ahmed, A.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 15
Date: April 2015
Type: Fact Sheet
"HOSA" Spells the Future of North Dakota's Healthcare Workforce
Middle school and high school students explore becoming healthcare professionals through participation in the North Dakota HOSA group.
Projects: Area Health Education Center Program, State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: March 2015
Type: Article
Brushing Up on Dental Care in North Dakota
The Center for Rural Health makes recommendations based on a study of ways to improve North Dakotans' oral health.
Author(s): Massmann, N.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: March 2015
Type: Article