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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Demographics of Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the location of where direct patient care physicians practice by age, rurality and number of patients.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 2
Date: May 2012
Type: Fact Sheet
Projection of North Dakota Physicians: 2010-2040
Describes a projection of both the population of North Dakota and physicians in North Dakota. Includes projection models, graphs, and tables.
Author(s): Peterson, M., Klug, M., & Hart, G.
Date: April 2012
Type: Report
Availability of Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines the availability of direct patient care physicians in North Dakota by rurality, sex, medical school location, residency location.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Klug, M., Hart, G., Peterson, M.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 1
Date: February 2012
Type: Fact Sheet


Assessing Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Assets and Capabilities for Recruiting and Retaining Physicians: The North Dakota CAH Community Apgar Program
Identifies opportunities for improvement in physician retention and recruitment in North Dakota's CAH systems and to develop a better understanding of the community factors in this dynamic process.
Project: Community Apgar Project
Author(s): Boise State University
Date: December 2011
Type: Report
Potential Impact of Health Reform on Rural North Dakota Health Workforce
Discusses factors influencing North Dakota's rural health workforce. Highlights research efforts conducted by the Center for Rural Health on rural health workforce.
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Date: 2011
Type: Fact Sheet


Charting a New Course
Dr. L. Gary Hart is the The Center for Rural Health's new director. Hart is a nationally recognized expert in rural healthcare delivery and healthcare workforce, and the CRH is excited to have him on board.
Author(s): Henke, K.
Publication: North Dakota Medicine, 35(5), 18-19
Date: December 2010
Type: Article
North Dakota Nursing Needs Study: Year Nine Facility Survey Results
Includes the results from the facility survey, currently in its ninth year, which was sent to all hospitals, long-term care facilities, regional public health facilities, clinics, and home health facilities in North Dakota.
Author(s): Moulton, P., & Johnson, S.
Date: September 2010
Type: Report
Utilization of Technology by Nursing Programs in North Dakota
Presents a picture of the use of technology in nursing education in North Dakota, including student and faculty readiness, clinical training technologies, and distance learning.
Author(s): Moulton, P., & Lang, T.
Date: September 2010
Type: Report


An Environmental Scan of Health and Healthcare in North Dakota: Establishing the Baselines for Positive Health Transformation
The Environmental Scan of Health and Healthcare in North Dakota was conducted from December 2008 to February 2009. This report provides an overview of selected health and healthcare issues in North Dakota.
Author(s): Volkov, B., Gibbens, B., & Wakefield, M.
Date: March 2009
Type: Report


Enhancing Healthcare for Rural Populations Through Interdisciplinary Training and Quality Improvement
Addresses the health workforce training and practice implications of rural healthcare trends. Highlights the importance of quality improvement and interdisciplinary team care. Part of the Advisory Committee's Eighth Annual Report.
Author(s): Wakefield, M., & Moulton, P.
Date: September 2008
Type: Journal Article