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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


The Role of Rural and Urban Geography and Gender in Community Stigma Around Mental Illness
This article describes the role of gender and rural-urban living in perceptions about mental illness in North Dakota. Results are based off of a survey conducted in the fall of 2018; the survey was completed by 749 North Dakota residents.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Tan, C.M., Urlacher, B., Heitkamp, T.
Publication: Health Education & Behavior
Date: November 2020
Type: Journal Article
Rural Health Research Recap - Rural Ethnic/Racial Disparities: Adverse Health Outcomes
Rural minority group populations often experience dual disparities in health. This recap summarizes adverse health outcomes across these populations including premature death, age-adjusted mortality, disability status, and obesity rates.
Project: Rural Health Research Gateway
Author(s): Ostmo, P.
Date: November 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Rural Health Research Recap - Rural Ethnic/Racial Disparities: Social and Systemic Inequities
This resource examines social and systemic inequities that influence disparities in health among minority group populations. Rural non-White populations experience both residence-based and racial/ethnicity-based health disparities.
Project: Rural Health Research Gateway
Author(s): Ostmo, P.
Date: November 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Your First Stop for Rural Health Information
Rural Health Information Hub receives a new five-year grant from the Health Resources & Services Administration to continue to operate as a national clearinghouse on rural health issues.
Project: Rural Health Information Hub
Author(s): Pierce, J.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: November 2020
Type: Article
Gray's Travel Challenges Reap Rewards, Especially During COVID-19
Jacque Gray, PhD, of the Center for Rural Health has had more than her share of travel woes, but she finds the face-to-face work she does pays big dividends.
Author(s): Haugen, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: October 2020
Type: Article
Strengthening Resilience: Promoting Positive School Mental Health Among Indigenous Youth
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide tools for k-12 educators, administrators, and mental health treatment providers to better address the learning and behavioral health needs of Indigenous youth in a holistic manner.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Fox, L., Nielsen, S.
Date: October 2020
Type: Report
Brief: Evaluation of Medical-Dental Integration at the University of North Dakota Center for Family Medicine
A brief review on the evaluation of the medical-dental integration program implemented by the North Dakota Department of Health Oral Health Program. The brief also offers a summary and recommendations for future medical-dental integration in North Dakota.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Knutson, S.
Date: September 2020
Type: Policy Brief
Evaluation Report: Medical-Dental Integration at the University of North Dakota Center for Family Medicine
A full, comprehensive report on the evaluation of the medical-dental integration program implemented by the North Dakota Department of Health Oral Health Program. The report provider date on patient reach and medical resident and staff knowledge of oral health, and also offers a summary and recommendations for future medical-dental integration.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Knutson, S.
Date: September 2020
Type: Report
Health Professional Shortage Area Scoring & Data Sources
A fact sheet explaining the basic criteria and data used in scoring Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) for the primary care, mental health, and dental health disciplines.
Project: Primary Care Office
Author(s): North Dakota Primary Care Office
Date: September 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center: Year Two Program Snapshot
This snapshot provides program goals, reach, and measures impact of the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center program in year two (August 15, 2019 - August 14, 2020).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Terry, D., Helfand, B
Date: September 2020
Type: Fact Sheet