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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Introduction to the Special Issue: Advocacy in Public Service Settings
This is an introduction to a special online issue of Psychological Services which describes the efforts to further behavioral health advocacy in public service settings.
Author(s): Gray, J., Kaslow, N., Allbaugh, L.
Publication: Psychological Services, 17(S1), 1-4
Date: June 2020
Type: Journal Article
MHTTC Network: Addressing Mental Health Workforce Needs
This document defines the mental health workforce and workforce development, identifies major needs of the mental health workforce, and highlights projects of the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network designed to address those needs.
Author(s): Davidson, L., Schroeder, S.
Date: June 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mental Health Resources for K-12 Educators During COVID-19
This product compiles all recent toolkits, guides, tip sheets, and infographics that have been developed by reputable sources to assist educators throughout the current health pandemic (COVID-19).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Diers, L., Winfield, S.
Date: April 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mental Health Resources for Parents and Caregivers During COVID-19
This product compiles all recent toolkits, guides, tip sheets, and infographics that have been developed by reputable sources to assist parents and caregivers throughout the current health pandemic (COVID-19).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Diers, L., Winfield, S.
Date: April 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Executive Summary: Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Needs Among Probation and Parole Officers in Region 8
This is an executive summary of the larger report, Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Needs: Findings, Implications, and Summary of a Survey of Probation and Parole Officers in Region 8. The brief summarizes the mental health training needs of probation and parole officers in the six-state region and provides recommendations for future work.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Martinefski, D.
Date: March 2020
Type: Policy Brief
Colorado Probation and Parole: Mental Health Training Needs
This fact sheet describes specific results for the state of Colorado from a survey assessing the mental health training needs among probation and parole officers throughout U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region 8.
Author(s): Schroeder, S.
Date: January 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Needs: Findings, Implications, and Summary of a Survey of Probation and Parole Officers in Region 8
This report describes the results of a survey assessing the mental health training needs among probation and parole officers throughout the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region 8. The report includes an overall assessment, a presentation of training needs among rural and urban probation and parole officers, varied training needs between probation and parole, and state specific reports.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Martinefski, D.
Date: January 2020
Type: Report
Montana Probation and Parole: Mental Health Training Needs
This fact sheet describes specific results for the state of Montana from a survey assessing the mental health training needs among probation and parole officers throughout U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region 8.
Author(s): Schroeder, S.
Date: January 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota Probation and Parole: Mental Health Training Needs
This fact sheet describes specific results for the state of North Dakota from a survey assessing the mental health training needs among probation and parole officers throughout U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region 8.
Author(s): Schroeder, S.
Date: January 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Reach of the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center School Based Program: Year One Snapshot
This fact sheet provides an overview of the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center's School Based Mental Health Program and the reach of the program in grant year one. The fact sheet describes the number of free, school-based mental health trainings held, school-based products developed, the number of people reached, and the participants' perceptions of these trainings. Grant year one includes August 15, 2018, through August 14, 2019.
Author(s): Schroeder, S.
Date: January 2020
Type: Fact Sheet