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Sponsor the 2025 R-COOL-Health Scrubs Academy Program

Jan 28, 2025

Deadline: February 15

The Rural Collaborative Opportunities for Occupational Learning in Health (R-COOL-Health) Scrubs Program, hosted by the Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota of Medicine & Health Sciences, is looking for sponsors for the 2025 year. Sponsorships will assist Scrubs Academies in providing scholarships to offset registration fees, paying for housing, transportation, meals, snacks, shirts, and educational supplies.

About Scrubs Academies

Scrubs Academies aim to increase awareness, interest, and understanding of healthcare careers available in rural North Dakota through creative and interactive activities, and consists of Scrubs Academy I and Scrubs Academy II. The goal is to encourage students in junior high and high school to pursue a career in the healthcare field and ultimately practice in North Dakota. Scrubs Academies serve as mini-preparation programs to strengthen academic skill sets associated with health disciplines, introduce adolescents to a higher education experience, and foster a relationship between the students and healthcare professionals.

Sponsorship Levels

  • Bronze ($100 - $499): Recognition on social media, logo on website, logo on Scrubs Academy sponsor sign
  • Silver ($500 - $999): Bronze level PLUS recognition in a press release
  • Gold ($1,000 - $1,999): Silver level PLUS logo included on student and leader shirts
  • Platinum ($2,000 or more): Gold level PLUS logo included as a sponsor on a pinned post on Facebook
  • Star (Any Amount): For the Scrubs Program to use funds as we see fit or for specific use, like student scholarships; recognition on the Scrubs website

Facilities may also directly sponsor as many students as desired from a designated area by covering the student's whole or half registration fee.

Become a Sponsor


Nicole Threadgold, Grant Program Director
(701) 330-3264