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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Health Professional Shortage Area Scoring & Data Sources
A fact sheet explaining the basic criteria and data used in scoring Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) for the primary care, mental health, and dental health disciplines.
Project: Primary Care Office
Author(s): North Dakota Primary Care Office
Date: September 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center: Year Two Program Snapshot
This snapshot provides program goals, reach, and measures impact of the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center program in year two (August 15, 2019 - August 14, 2020).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Terry, D., Helfand, B
Date: September 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
CRH Continues Its Mission During COVID-19
Center for Rural Health (CRH) staff help rural communities, healthcare facilities, and others navigate through COVID-19.
Projects: National Resource Center on Native American Aging, North Dakota Brain Injury Network, Primary Care Office, Project ECHO, Rural Health Information Hub, Rural Health Research Gateway, Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program
Author(s): Haugen, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: July 2020
Type: Article
Dental Pain Management in Dental Clinics, Emergency Rooms, and Primary Care Settings in North Dakota
This fact sheet describes emergency room data and results from a survey among North Dakota dentists to better understand dental pain management, dentists' screening practices, and risk factors associated with and predictive of opioid prescribing behavior.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Knutson, S.
Date: June 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Farm Stress: Facts, Impact of COVID-19, and Resource and Training Needs of Mental Health Care Providers
This brief shares feedback and data about farm stress, mental health implications, and COVID-19.
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Clark, B., Holiday, E., Breigenzer, A., Johnson, S.
Date: June 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Introduction to the Special Issue: Advocacy in Public Service Settings
This is an introduction to a special online issue of Psychological Services which describes the efforts to further behavioral health advocacy in public service settings.
Author(s): Gray, J., Kaslow, N., Allbaugh, L.
Publication: Psychological Services, 17(S1), 1-4
Date: June 2020
Type: Journal Article
MHTTC Network: Addressing Mental Health Workforce Needs
This document defines the mental health workforce and workforce development, identifies major needs of the mental health workforce, and highlights projects of the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network designed to address those needs.
Author(s): Davidson, L., Schroeder, S.
Date: June 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mental Health Resources for K-12 Educators During COVID-19
This product compiles all recent toolkits, guides, tip sheets, and infographics that have been developed by reputable sources to assist educators throughout the current health pandemic (COVID-19).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Diers, L., Winfield, S.
Date: April 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
Mental Health Resources for Parents and Caregivers During COVID-19
This product compiles all recent toolkits, guides, tip sheets, and infographics that have been developed by reputable sources to assist parents and caregivers throughout the current health pandemic (COVID-19).
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Heitkamp, T., Diers, L., Winfield, S.
Date: April 2020
Type: Fact Sheet
SAMHSA Leader Talks Behavioral Health with CRH Staff
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration regional director visits with Center for Rural Health staff about behavioral health programs.
Projects: Healthcare Workforce Group, Project ECHO, Rural Health Information Hub, Rural Health Research Gateway, State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup
Author(s): Haugen, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: April 2020
Type: Article