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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Factors that Impact Food Security in Northern Plains American Indians
This poster examines a number of factors that impact food security, from a study which looked at food security in the Northern Plains American Indians in the Midwest.
Author(s): Gray, J., English, L., Petros, T.
Date: August 2021
Type: Fact Sheet
North Dakota Youth Learn About Health Professions
Virtually and in-person, Scrubs Camps teach North Dakota youth about healthcare careers.
Project: Rural Collaborative Opportunities for Occupational Learning in Health (R-COOL-Health) Scrubs Program
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: August 2021
Type: Article
What Do Urban Native Elders Need?
The Native Urban Elder Needs Assessment Survey has been created to find what urban Native Elders need and will assist in future work toward achieving health equity for this population.
Project: Native Urban Elder Needs Assessment Survey
Author(s): Pierce, J.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: June 2021
Type: Article
After Four Decades, Tioga Medical Center CEO Randy Pederson Calls It a Career
Community leader Randy Pederson retired from the Tioga Medical Center after a long career as CEO.
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: May 2021
Type: Article
Building on Success
The North Dakota Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Quality Network has found success after working with CAHs for 13 years.
Project: North Dakota CAH Quality Network
Author(s): Pierce, J.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: March 2021
Type: Article
CEO Turnover in Rural Hospitals
National Rural Health Association Fellows Program published a policy paper on Rural Hospital CEO Turnover. The article interviews one of the authors, Matt Shahan, for a more in-depth look.
Author(s): Pierce, J.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: February 2021
Type: Article
Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs Among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities: A Call to Action to Improve Cultural Relevance and Accessibility
The report shared information about evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs within American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Adamsen, C., Bendixen, B., Woodrich-Fernando, M., Goins, T., Joe, J.
Date: February 2021
Type: Report
Perspectives from Older Americans Act Title VI Directors and Staff on Health Promotion Programs in Indigenous Communities
This one-page report shares results from a survey of Title VI program staff. The survey addressed various factors such as needs for health and well-being of elders, top program interests, valuable partnerships, and more.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Adamsen, C., Bendixen, B., Woodrich-Fernando, M., Goins, T., Joe, J.
Date: February 2021
Type: Report
Successful Strategies & Lessons Learned from Implementing Evidence-Based Programs in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Communities
This report highlights successful strategies and lessons learned for enhancing program planning and delivery in American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Adamsen, C., Bendixen, B., Woodrich-Fernando, M., Goins, T., Joe, J.
Date: February 2021
Type: Report
The Voices of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Elders: Recommendations for Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs
This one-page report focuses on what Elder American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian shared from their perspectives on aging, health, and what community-based programs can do to support them.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Adamsen, C., Bendixen, B., Woodrich-Fernando, M., Goins, T., Joe, J.
Date: February 2021
Type: Report