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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Hearing on the Need for Green Cards for Highly Skilled Workers
Provides a testimony on the benefit of the Conrad J-1 Visa Waiver Program to rural areas with physician shortages.
Author(s): Amundson, M.
Date: June 2008
Type: Testimony
Healthcare Needs of North Dakota American Indian Veterans
Offers highlights from a survey of three tribes in North Dakota regarding healthcare needs of North Dakota American Indian Veterans. Data includes demographics, health status, behavioral risk factors, preventative care, access, and use of services, Veterans Administration (VA) care, and Indian health service care.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Baker-Demaray, T., McDonald, L., & Ludtke, R.
Date: March 2008
Type: Report
Native Aging Visions, Winter 2007
Newsletter developed by the National Resource Center on Native American Aging.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Date: February 2008
Type: Newsletter
An Innovative Approach to Student Internships on American Indian Reservations
Discusses the benefits of Project CRISTAL (Collaborative Rural Interdisciplinary Service Training and Learning), where students work on an American Indian reservation to increase access to healthcare and cultural competency. Overviews health professional shortages, the lack of diversity in health careers, the benefits of an interprofessional team, and community-academic collaboration.
Author(s): Amundson, M., Moulton, P., Zimmerman, S., & Johnson, B.
Publication: Journal of Interprofessional Care, 22(1), 93-101
Date: January 2008
Type: Journal Article
North Dakota Health Information Technology (HIT) Fact Sheet
Describes HIT, its uses within North Dakota and the role of the HIT Steering committee. The information in this fact sheet was collected from the North Dakota State HIT report, Connecting North Dakota for a Healthier Future, Dec. 2008.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Dickson, L.
Date: January 2008
Type: Report


Small Hospital Improvement Program Grant Report
Project: Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program
Author(s): Miller, M.
Date: November 2007
Type: Report
Flex 2006-2007 Annual Report
Project: Flex
Author(s): Miller, M.
Date: October 2007
Type: Report
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Healthcare for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders
Reports findings from a study assessing health insurance coverage and access to healthcare among American Indian and Alaska Native elders (Native elders), using data from a national survey that included more than 8,300 Native elders.
Author(s): Knudson, A.
Date: October 2007
Type: Policy Brief
Implementing Patient Safety Initiatives in Rural Hospitals: An Evaluation of the Tennessee Rural Hospital Patient Safety Demonstration
Executive summary of a report describing a project to improve patient safety in eight rural hospitals by strengthening their capacity to implement priority patient safety initiatives.
Author(s): Klingner, J., Moscovice, I., Wakefield, M.K., & Miller, M.
Date: August 2007
Type: Report
Five Year Comparison of North Dakota Nurses
Compares the results from a survey of nurses licensed in North Dakota to previous survey results. Reports on demographics, income, interest in a faculty position, part-time employment, employment setting, retirement plans, work environment, and continuing education. Includes urban and rural income comparisons and offers policy recommendations.
Author(s): Moulton, P., & Marino, J.
Date: June 2007
Type: Report