Past R-COOL-Health Scrubs Camps
More than 13,000 North Dakota
5th-12th graders have taken part in innovative health career promotion activities in rural communities
throughout the state since 2009. Rural Collaborative Opportunities for Occupational Learning in Health
(R-COOL-Health) Scrubs Camps have been funded in over 270 rural communities in North Dakota.
Program Description
A program of the Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota (UND) School of Medicine & Health Sciences, the R-COOL-Health Scrubs Camps aim to increase awareness, interest, and understanding of health careers available in rural North Dakota through creative and interactive activities. The R-COOL-Health Scrubs Camps are one-day learning experiences in which students are able to explore health career options by hearing from local healthcare professionals and participating in exciting hands-on activities.
A critical piece of the camps is helping communities 'grow their own' healthcare professionals.
R-COOL-Health Scrubs Camps have been organized by the following organizations for students in rural communities. For the purposes of this program, rural is defined as any geographic area beyond a 20 mile radius from Minot, Bismarck, Grand Forks, and Fargo. Partnerships between schools, healthcare facilities and economic or job development authorities were required in order to increase collaboration and awareness of the economic impact of healthcare.
2023-2024 Grant Awardees
- Central Regional Education Association, Bismarck
- Coal Country Community Health Center, Beulah
- First Care Health Center, Park River
- Garrison Public School Direct #51, Garrison
- Great Northwest Education Cooperative, Williston
- Nelson County Health System, McVille
- Northeast Education Services Cooperative, Devils Lake
- Northern Cass School, Hunter
- Northwood Deaconess Health Center, Northwood
- Pembina County Memorial Hospital, Cavalier
- Richland County Health Department, Wahpeton
- Roughrider Area Career and Technology Center, Dickinson
- SMP Health – St. Aloisius, Harvey
- Towner County Medical Center, Cando
- Unity Medical Center, Grafton
- West River Health Services, Hettinger
2022-2023 Grant Awardees
- Central Regional Education Association, Bismarck
- CHI ST. Alexius Health, Dickinson
- Coal Country Community Health Center, Beulah
- First Care Health Center, Park River
- Great Northwest Education Cooperative, Williston
- Nelson County Health System, McVille
- Northeast Education Services Cooperative, Devils Lake
- Northwood Public School, Northwood
- Pembina County Memorial Hospital, Cavalier
- Quality Health Associates of North Dakota – Fort Yates Hospital, Fort Yates
- St. Aloisius Medical Center, Harvey
- Towner County Medical Center, Cando
- Unity Medical Center, Grafton
2021-2022 Grant Awardees
- Central Regional Education Association, Bismarck
- Great Northwest Education Cooperative, Williston
- Nelson County Health System, McVille
- Northeast Education Services Cooperative, Devils Lake
- Northern Cass School, Hunter
- Northwood Public School, Northwood
- St. Aloisius Medical Center, Harvey
- Towner County Medical Center, Cando
- Unity Medical Center, Grafton
Nicole Threadgold
Program Director
(701) 330-3264
Thank you to the South Dakota
Healthcare Workforce Center at the South Dakota Office of Rural Health for sharing Scrubs Camp materials and
Thank you to the Wisconsin Office of
Rural Health for sharing their Club Scrub materials and ideas.