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The Center for Rural Health (CRH) produces publications of several types, including maps and presentations.


Medical School and Interstate Balance of Trade Among Direct Patient Care Physicians in North Dakota
Examines where North Dakota physicians attended medical school, and where North Dakota medical student are practicing with an emphasis on specific specialties.
Project: State Office of Rural Health
Author(s): Hart, G., Besse, R.
Publication: North Dakota Health Workforce Fact Sheet Series, Number 32
Date: October 2018
Type: Fact Sheet
Crowdsourcing Physician Recruitment
The town of Grafton, North Dakota uses a community team approach to recruit two family physicians for their hospital.
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: September 2018
Type: Article
Dental Care Utilization and Service Needs Among American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Elders: 2008 to 2017
This article discusses dental care use and the services needed among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian elders from 2008 to 2017.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): Schroeder, S., Adamsen, C., Ward, C.
Publication: Journal of Aging and Health
Date: September 2018
Type: Journal Article
North Dakota Rural Health Innovation Tour
National and regional rural health leaders tour innovative rural and tribal health systems around North Dakota.
Author(s): Gibbens, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: September 2018
Type: Article
Reworks: A Robust System Efficiency Measure
This article reports on the inaugural Australian-American system evaluation summit convened in Wyoming, focusing on the application of system evaluation theory.
Author(s): Renger, R., Keogh, B., Hawkins, A., Foltysova, J., Souvannasacd, E.
Publication: Evaluation Journal of Australasia
Date: September 2018
Type: Journal Article
Saving Lives: North Dakota's Peer Support Specialist Naloxone Training Program Makes an Impact
Peer support specialists are trained to use their experiences in recovery to help others.
Author(s): Haugen, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: September 2018
Type: Article
Native Aging Visions, Summer 2018
Newsletter developed by the National Resource Center on Native American Aging.
Project: National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Author(s): National Resource Center on Native American Aging
Date: July 2018
Type: Newsletter
Connect and Engage
Critical Access Hospitals in North Dakota are using telehealth and technology to connect and reconnect to meet the needs of their rural patients.
Author(s): Kusler, S.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: June 2018
Type: Article
Stirring Things Up: CRH Founder Is a Mover and Shaker in Rural Healthcare
As a University of North Dakota student, founder director of the Center for Rural Health, and consultant, Dr. Kevin Fickenscher likes to stir things up.
Author(s): Haugen, B.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: June 2018
Type: Article
A Medical Journalist Insider
Dr. Kay Miller Temple is a medical writer for Rural Health Information Hub. She is also a physician with over 30 years of experience. That, coupled with her rural upbringing, helps her research and write articles with a unique perspective on complex rural health issues.
Author(s): Leier, M.
Publication: Focus on Rural Health
Date: May 2018
Type: Article