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Working with Communities

The Center for Rural Health works with rural and tribal communities to build responsive and sustainable health systems and strong rural health organizations. We help communities:

  • Engage community members
  • Build collaborative and cooperative relationships across organizations and communities
  • Develop local healthcare capacity and workforce
  • Promote healthy communities and lifestyles
  • Evaluate current programs and develop new ones
  • Learn about and implement innovative strategies

CRH works with many types of health organizations including:

  • Hospitals
  • Public health units
  • Nursing homes
  • Clinics
  • Ambulance units
  • Community health coalitions and networks

What We Can Do for You

In the area of working with communities, we offer:

Our Expertise

CRH was created in 1980 to have a primary mission of providing service and assistance to rural communities in the development of stronger, more viable health systems and to improve the health status in rural North Dakota. We have over 30 years of experience in working directly with rural communities to help them to identify and develop community-based solutions to their local health issues and to advocate for rural concerns. We have conducted numerous community engagement efforts including strategic planning, network development, grant development, community needs assessments, and other assistance focused on building local capacity. CRH believes in the power of the rural community and its members to articulate and construct their own vision for community health.

Key Contacts

Current Projects