State Office of Rural Health (SORH)
The Center for Rural Health is designated as the North Dakota State Office of Rural Health, a federal-state partnership that helps rural communities build their healthcare services through collaborations and initiatives with a wide range of partners across the state.
What We Do For You
As the State Office of Rural Health, the Center:
- Supports and contributes to work related to: Hospitals and Facilities, Health Workforce, Working with Communities, Informing Policy, and Educating and Informing
- Facilitates the annual Dakota Conference on Rural and Public Health.
- Administers and coordinates the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program in collaboration with North Dakota Health and Human Services, North Dakota Hospital Association, and the Quality Health Associates of North Dakota (formerly North Dakota Healthcare Review), which is our state's CMS-contracted QIO (Quality Improvement Organization).
- Administers the Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota Rural Health Grant Program and Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP).
- We offer technical assistance in areas such as grant development with grant writing workshops and a grant writing toolkit; working with focus groups; conducting key informant interviews, and strategic planning.
- Serves as convener of the North Dakota Health Information Technology Advisory Committee.
- Helps keep rural health organizations informed about resources and opportunities through support of the Center for Rural Health monthly electronic newsletter.
- Collaborates with partner organizations such as North Dakota Health and Human Services; North Dakota Health Information Network; North Dakota Hospital Association; North Dakota Long Term Care Association; Mental Health America of North Dakota; North Dakota Medical Association; North Dakota Nursing Association; North Dakota Public Health Association; Community HealthCare Association of the Dakotas; Quality Health Associates of North Dakota; and other University of North Dakota Departments.
Nicole Threadgold, Grant Program Director
(701) 330-3264