Presentation Information
The call for presentations is closed.
Presentation Topics
Presentations should feature community or research projects that use creative strategies, facilitate the
collaboration between rural and public health entities, can be replicated, and have an emphasis on educating and
developing partnerships. Presentation topic options include, but are not limited to:
- Administration
- Creative strategies
- Diverse populations
- Financing
- Prevention/promotion
- Professional development
- Quality
- Workforce
Oral Presentations
Most sessions are 45 minutes in length and should allow for discussion time. This is a competitive process and not all abstracts are accepted for oral presentations. Additionally, in some instances, the committee may ask that you fill a 15, 30, or 60 minute slot.
Poster Presentations
Poster presentation sessions occur during a 45-minute session of the conference. The three highest scoring posters will be given 10 minutes to present their poster information.
In the event that there is more than one author on a poster, only one author/presenter is required to register for the conference (but all presenters are welcome to attend and receive the discounted presenter registration fee). Any author attending/presenting/displaying at the conference must be registered as a conference attendee. Those selected to give an oral presentation of their poster must submit a slide of their poster (as a PowerPoint) by May 7, 2025 so that it can be reviewed for continuing education approval. A slide of the poster will be projected during the oral poster presentation. No other slides will be allowed to be used. Handouts must be submitted by May 7, 2025 to be posted online for participants to access.
Failure to display a selected poster presentation at the full-time duration at the conference will result in an automatic $50.00 cancellation fee and will jeopardize the selection of future abstracts for both oral and poster presentations. Penalties may not apply under extenuating circumstances approved by the planning committee prior to the start of the conference.
Presenter Guidelines
- Presenters for oral and poster (oral and display only) sessions receive a discounted full conference registration fee.
- Presenters must be registered as a conference participant for, at minimum, the day(s) they are presenting. Full conference registration at the reduced presenters' registration fee is highly encouraged.
- No honorarium or travel expense reimbursement will be provided for presenters submitting through the "Call for Presentations" process.
- Presentation abstracts may not exceed 2,000 characters. Reviewers will use this to select presentations for the conference.
- Description for conference program may not exceed 400 characters.
- Lead presenter's biography should be 2-3 sentences.
- Letters of acceptance will be sent electronically no later than November 5, 2024.
- All correspondence, including acknowledgement of receipt of submission, will be conducted electronically.
- Continuing education is sought for ALL presentations so presenter agreements must be completed and received by by 5:00 pm Central on January 6, 2025 in order to allow time for credit approval. All slides must be received by May 7, 2025, so they can be reviewed by the Office of Continuing Medical Education prior to the conference.