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North Dakota CAH Quality Network

ND CAH Quality Network LogoThe North Dakota Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Quality Network was established in 2007 through the voluntary work of CAHs throughout the state of North Dakota. An advisory committee of CAHs representatives serve as leadership to the members.

The Network serves as a common place for North Dakota's CAHs to share best practices, tools, and resources related to providing quality of care. The Network supports quality improvement activities of the Network members and assists them with the Medicare Conditions of Participation. A goal of the Network is to improve information sharing and networking at the regional and state level among tertiary facilities and stakeholders to prevent duplication of efforts.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Network is to support ongoing performance improvement of North Dakota's CAHs.


Partnership for Patients logoThe Network is supported through the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex) and administered by the Center for Rural Health at the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences.