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“Peer Exchange” Rural Healthcare Exchange & Professional Development Program

The North Dakota Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program offers this program to provide opportunities for staff serving Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) and CAH-owned Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and rural EMS agencies of North Dakota to learn from their peers. The Rural Healthcare Exchange Program provides travel support for individuals to meet with similar entities from other areas of the state and share information, ideas, and successful approaches to improving quality and access to healthcare services.

Who is Eligible?

The program is open to staff and board members serving North Dakota CAHs and CAH-owned RHCs, rural EMS agencies, and network representatives serving rural health organizations. The program does not include visits with consultants, conference travel, or training events. Funding is allocated based on application merit and subject to available funding. The mentoring program ends when available funds are exhausted.

Location of Exchange

The exchange visit may occur at the applicant's organization or the applicant may travel to the location of the peer mentor. This decision is based upon the agreed upon location of the applicant and mentor. For example, the applicant may invite a peer with expertise in quality improvement to meet with a team at their facility or an applicant may travel to another location to view and evaluate an automated medication dispensing system. Location is limited to within North Dakota.

Submit Your Application

Applications must be submitted via the online application link to the North Dakota Flex Program; applicants will receive confirmation and approval or denial of the proposed exchange within seven business days of receipt of the application. All travel must be completed by August 15. Invoices, receipts, and outcome reports must be received by August 31 of each calendar year. Reimbursement is made to the facility in which the person is employed.

What Happens After Receiving the Approval?

Applicants proceed with their proposed exchange based on the approved application. Following the exchange visit, the applicant submits an invoice on their facility letterhead, receipts if applicable, and a completed outcome report via the online link to the North Dakota Flex Program for reimbursement.

Note: Applications and Outcomes Reports must be submitted through the online forms, they will not be accepted via mail or email.

Reimbursement Document


Contact Anna Walter at (701) 213-5336 or by email at