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Rural Emergency Hospital Provider Designation

The Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) provider designation became a hospital licensing option on January 1, 2023.

Those interested in assessing the feasibility of converting from CAH to REH, may contact the national REH Technical Assistance Center (REH TAC) which has been established and funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for this purpose.

The REH-TAC services include:

  • Providing education and performing an initial assessment
  • Providing a rural-relevant subject-matter expert/coach to provide 1:1 guidance and support
  • Performing financial assessments where there is indication that the REH designation could be a viable option
  • Supporting strategic planning once a community identifies that REH is a viable path forward
  • Assisting with the application and providing ongoing support throughout the conversion process

Request for Technical Assistance

To receive technical assistance from the REH-TAC, complete this brief intake form.


For general questions and REH resources available through the North Dakota Flex Program, contact Nicole Threadgold at (701) 330-3264 or by email at For REH-TAC inquiries, email