Previous Dentistry as Primary Care TeleECHO Clinics
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Integration of Oral Health & Overall Health
This session, presented by Rear Admiral Timothy Ricks, examines issues of oral health equity in the context of access to dental care, disparities based on race/ethnicity and income, and social determinants of health as they relate to oral health. This is followed by a discussion of integration of not only oral health into primary care, but the incorporation of primary care practices in a dental setting: multi-directional integrated care. RADM Timothy L. Ricks, DMD, MPH, FICD has served as the Chief Professional Officer for the Dental Category since September 2018. As the Chief Professional Officer, RADM Ricks advises the Office of the Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the recruitment, assignment, deployment, retention, and career development of oral health professionals.
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Importance of, and how to, Complete Blood Pressure Screenings in Dental Settings
Speakers address the pivotal role of dental teams in the identification and treatment of high blood pressure among residents living in North Dakota. Blood pressure can impact oral health, and conversely, the health of the mouth can influence blood pressure.
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Importance of Collecting Patient Health Information in Dental Clinics and the Relation to Systemic
and Oral Health
Dr. Natalia Chalmers, Pediatric DDS, is the first-ever Chief Dental Officer in the Office of the Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Dr. Chalmers speaks to the role that dental clinics can play in managing patient and community health through the use of patient medical records. Through a clinical case presentation and lecture, she shares how North Dakota dental providers can best utilize patient health information to improve care, overall patient health, and while maintaining a profitable practice.
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Nutrition and Chronic Disease: How to Have These Conversations in Dental Settings
The health of the mouth has a direct impact on patient nutrition and can play a crucial role in supporting diabetes management. Similarly, good nutrition, a healthy weight, and management of one's blood sugar supports positive oral health. A registered dietitian provides practical tips and a clinical case presentation to assist dental teams with having these crucial conversations with their patients using evidence-based health education.
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Talking With Patients About Fluoridation and Safe Drinking Water
This session reviews levels of fluoridation in North Dakota's community drinking water and how to talk with patients about using tap water and not bottled water for better oral health. Dr. Johnson shares a case presentation and practical tips for dental teams in North Dakota. He will also speak to where and how to find your community's fluoridation levels. Finally, Dr. Johnson discusses how to read a study about fluoride or fluoridation.
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Role of North Dakota Dental Teams in Addressing Pediatric Oral Health School-Based Programs
Two North Dakota dentists speak about their role in school-based sealant programs, how they fit this work into their busy practices, and why this work is so important.
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How Medical-Dental Integration is Working in North Dakota
A registered dental hygienist who has been providing dental care in one family medical center in North Dakota for several years, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, speaks about how medical-dental integration is serving patients who would otherwise lack access to needed preventive dental services.
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Caring for Patients who are Covered by Medicaid and Billing for the Services
Dr. Duffy and Caitlin Friedt present considerations when providing dental services for persons covered by Medicaid, and how to develop treatment plans. Dental teams in North Dakota will learn how to provide care and bill for these services in private practice.
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Connecting Dental Professionals with Emergency Departments Reducing Use of the ED for Dental Pain
This session discusses how often the emergency department (ED) has been utilized for dental care provision in North Dakota and what common practices are in our EDs for persons who present with dental pain. There is also a discussion of a model of dental case management that has been successful in one North Dakota ED, and how dental teams can serve as both resources for local EDs and as a key component for prevention.
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Dementia Friendly Dental Practices: Patient Management Tips
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Caring for Patients Who Are Indigenous in North Dakota
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Dementia Friendly Dental Practices: Treatment Planning
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