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Behavioral Health in Primary Care TeleECHO

Mental illness is associated with increased occurrence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma, epilepsy, and cancer. Primary care practitioners are most often the first contact for treatment of mental illnesses, seeing 60% of people with depression. They also prescribe roughly three fourths of the antidepressants in the U.S., often with limited support from behavioral health specialists. This teleECHO™ series is focused on providing support to primary care providers through education on collaborative care practices, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders within their clinics.

Join a Virtual Learning Network

Hear from a team of individuals with experience in psychiatry, psychotherapy, social work, addiction and other behavioral health areas as they provide education on identifying and caring for patients with behavioral health issues in their practices.

Upcoming Zoom Clinics


Learn best practices for treating common mental and behavioral health conditions, connect with peers from around the state, and get feedback on difficult patient cases through didactic and case presentations. Participants will be able to:

  • Access scientifically and clinically valid information about aspects of behavioral health
  • Utilize common screening tools to determine an individual's risk for behavioral health issues
  • Identify and care for patients with potential behavioral health problems

TeleECHO Topics

This teleECHO Hub Team is comprised of psychiatrists, psychiatric residents and psychopharmacologists, along with guest presenters in the areas of social work, addiction, and therapies.