Dentistry as Primary Care TeleECHO
Primary care is any healthcare delivered with the patient and community in mind. Oral health and good dental hygiene are essential components of primary care and overall health. In this sense, dental teams serve as members of the larger body of primary care providers in North Dakota. This teleECHO™ series is focused on providing local training and case presentations to assist dental teams in providing comprehensive care to members of our community.
Virtual Learning Network and Continuing Education
Hear from local dental providers and members of the state Oral Health Program as they share lectures and case presentations to illustrate how dental teams in North Dakota serves as primary care providers. These sessions carry free continuing education (CE) credits for dental providers. Some of the sessions also have CE for medical professionals as well as dietitians and nutritionists.
Primary Care in Dentistry TeleECHO Topics
The Primary Care in Dentistry teleECHO Hub Team is comprised of local dental professionals, Oral Health Program team members, dental professional associations, and other community and tribally-based program leads. This Hub Team identified the clinic topics and speakers.

This teleECHO series is funded by North Dakota Health and Human Services Oral Health Program under two Federal grants:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention State Actions to Improve Oral Health Outcomes
- Health Resources and Services Administration's Grants to States to Support Oral Health Workforce Activities